Friday, January 3, 2014

Confession and Communion

I rang a kind Priest in a local Parish Thursday and I arranged for a Confession and during which Holy Sacrament I accused my own self of the sin of refusing to accept the decisions of the Magisterium with a religious submission of mind.

For the first time since the 1970s, IANS really is in Full Communion with Holy Mother Church and he accepts that Vatican Two is in continuity with all of the previous Ecumenical Councils and he accepts the Pauline Rite as a fully legitimate Rite of the Catholic Church and even though he prefers the Tridentine Mass, IANS confesses that the Normative Mass is also a fully Catholic Mass and a Holy Sacrifice of Propitiation and he accepts with a religious submission of mind all Doctrinal and Disciplinary decisions taken by this or any Pope who has ever lived or ever will live.

It is not important what was or was not the cause of his personal metanoia, what is it important is his public Confession that IANS was so late in, finally, coming to the right decision because he prided his own self on his putative grasp of Catholic Tradition.

Lord have Mercy on IANS, a sinner. 

Psalm 102: The Lord is compassionate and merciful; long suffering and plenteous in mercy. He will not always be angry nor will He threaten for ever. He hath not dealt with us according to our sins; nor rewarded us according to our  iniquities.


  1. You are not Winston Smith at the end of Nineteen-Eightyfour. He had lost his sense of humour. You by the grace of God have retained yours. Don't reject what you were. You are going through one of the dark nights of the soul. It'll work out.

    1. Dear H. Crab (I really do like your S/N and typing H. Crab is a blast). I have to insist that I know my own self better than do you and so I disagree that what I have experienced is a dark night of my soul; just the opposite has happened and I pray I will persevere in the full light of the cooperation with Grace.

    2. Apologies for having been too quick to assume the "dark night" angle. But to go through a "dark night of the soul" is a good thing, isn't it? It's a sign of receiving a lot of Grace, of having made an advance in the interior spiritual life.

    3. Not while one is going through a dark night

  2. God bless you. I'm glad he sent you a Tanzanian priest.

    1. Dear Dymphna. Yeah, me too. Thanks and back at ya with the God Bless.
