Sunday, March 24, 2024

Synodalism is the path of permanent revolution

At Vatican Two, Ratzinger lamented that only the Pope could call a synod but he was pleased that, in his words;

If we may say that the synod is a permanent council - its composition as well as its name justifies this - then its institution under these circumstances guarantees that the Council will continue after its official end; it will from now be part of the everyday life of the Church. It will be no more mere transitory episode. but will be able to mature what was sown in the often stormy days of the sessions.

What member of the Faithful does not yet understand that V2 was a revolution that overturned the then existing order; literally everything was changed from The Holy Holocaust, to The Sacraments, To religious orders, to a new Raccolta, to a new Book of Blessings etc etc etc.

Ratzinger and his modernist ilk (the progressive periti) successfully seized control of the Church and they are not about to willing surrender their control of it, thus, a permanent progressive council via Synodalism.

The permanent revolution is on the path marked out for it by the progressive periti , a path that leads to the quicksand of modernism and indifference and still invisibilium within the Prelature is that cleric whose puissant possession of Tradition is such that it could be applied as a force against our Inertia into Indifferentism.

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