Tuesday, July 9, 2024

2 Paralipomenon 29 anticipated Holy Holocaust and NO priests?

 34 But the priests were few, and were not enough to flay the holocausts: wherefore the Levites their brethren helped them, till the work was ended, and priests were sanctified, for the Levites are sanctified with an easier rite than the priests.  

Haydock Notes:  Ver. 34. Holocausts, as the law required. Lev. i. 6. See C. xxxv. 11. The skin might be taken off other victims, by laics. --- Priests. Syr. "The Levites were more timid, or reserved than the priests, to purify themselves." C. --- Both are indirectly accused of negligence. C. xxx. 15. The Heb. seems to give the preference to the latter, "for the Levites were more upright of heart, (Sept. willing) to purify themselves than the priests." But the Alex. Sept. may well agree with the Vulg. The ceremonies attending the purification of both, may be seen Ex. xxix. 1. Num. viii. 6. H. --- The priests had not sufficient time to collect themselves with the purity required, on such a short warning; and the paucity induced the king to put off the Passover till the next month. C. xxx. 3. 15.

When I read this today, it occurred to me that this might have been a subtle prophetical hint that The Priests of The Holy Holocaust (Trad Mass)  might reach that stage where there were not enough of them to train and ordain to correctly offer The Holy Holocaust and so a new rite of ordination would be required for the No.O.; which is a valid rite.

This is prolly an unjustified exegetical stretch but it does tend to prove the truth that reading the Bible is always fun.

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